Étiquette : cosmetiques

Découverte de Cha Ling ou l'Esprit du Thé

Hello les amis! Comment allez vous? je n’arrive toujours pas à croire que nous sommes déjà en septembre et de retour de notre roadtrip californien…. mais que s’est il donc passé cette année? PLEIN DE CHOSES !!! J’adore l’idée de vivre plusieurs vies et à toute allure, mais s’il y a bien un truc que

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Italian mix of colours, scents and prints : crush for Ortigia

Dear Friends, Here is an other discovery found during last Maison&Objet. I have to admit it, i tend to buy things mostly because of the packaging! but am i the only one?I love boxes and it’s an even better surprise when it smells as hope, i guess it’s a habit i kept from my childhood,

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Smells like 100 % french authenticity … MAS DU ROSEAU

Dear Friends, This is that busy time of the year, when everything and everyone is rushing because of all these FW… but what i like the most about September, it’s going to the huge design and decoration trade show MAISON&OBJET here nearby Paris! I ran into my friend Cecile who was helping out on her

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