Hi Everyone,

This year , as always has been more than rich in events, news, surprises, up and downs, but well that’how life goes on 😉 I love this time of the year for this special day among family ,when the spirit is the same from one year to an other, from a place to the other, cause all we are looking for it’s to make other’s happy. At least for a day ;p And since i have now 2 kids, it means even more to me, even if we are not christian, Chrismas has become a tradionnal celebration in our whole family, and for kids it’s just magic.

Wishing you all, a warm, happy and loving Christmas <3 and hope you will all be spoilt by whoever!

Et surtout JOYEUX NOEL!

Take care,


merry christmas

9 réflexions sur “MERRY CHRISTMAS MY FRIENDS!”

    1. Merci Sophie!!! moi je te raconterai, c’est jamais la periode la plus facile, mais c’est en general un mal pour un bien! Pleins de bisous à ta petite famille, et jespere vous croiser un de ces 4 au détour de passy plaza ou ici dans le tier-quar 😉

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