Instalife : Dancers fly high! Sophie Trem

Dear friends,

Today im skipping to english cause i need to be back to wowowoooorldwild – just jocking just want Olivia to understand 😉

So as far as im concerned, i have always loved Dancing : love the aesthetic , the constant effort making, the ambiance, and the rigor and discipline dancers indulge their body that becomes a real tool, or piece of art. So now that you know you will see many short portraits of some of them i « meet » , but i needed to share, cause the energy is just too good!Through their constant effort they show how everything is possible, and how working hard pays off, however they just blow my M.I.ND!

Like Eleonore and her sister, i met Olivia through this new place to be : instagram 😉 Olivia Ashton is an great 17 years old dancer from UK. She started ballet at the age of 3, and since then never ever stopped, cause it just became the love of her life, she is training 30 hours per week. WHAOUW. She started the competition by 7 and has won many trophes and titles , but the most amazing thing is that she set the world record for the most front walkovers in 23 seconds. WOHOOOOOO! She is aiming to go to Dance college next year, her dream is to become a professional dancer, and travel the world dancing and inspiring youn children which i guess is almost happening 🙂 and to be one day on Boadway, YES SHE CAN!


Love the positive mind and thinking this girl has, you can feel through her pics all the good vibes, Thanks Olivia for showing the sky is the limit! let you enjoy, then tell me what you think about it!

You can follow her on her instagram account oliviaashton5678



« Don’t let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world » says Olivia

dance campagne





A campaign she made for ©ROXY

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