Étiquette : designer

She is a "Woawman" : Anne-Valérie Hash

Dear Friends, Lady Gaga is in Paris, metro is starting to be over crowded….yes PFW is back! Only a few days before the hysterical showtime when no one is supposed to eat nor see the colour of the sky , but busy finalizing the last pieces before the Defilé, i had this nice parenthesis with

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Dear Friends, I have to say it : what i like the most about this writing thing is not only meeting with great artists, it’s to interact and exchange with people i have always read about! Michele Lamy is an emblematic figure of LA underground nightlife in the mid 90s. She was the owner of the

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Meeting with ORLAN in Paris

Yes it was impressive! I had the chance to meet the unique artist ORLAN during an interview she had with our dearest friend Sofia Tchkonia for her documentary. ORLAN explores different techniques such as photography, video, sculpture (in resin, marble and inflatable), drawing, installation, performance, biotechnology, etc. She was the first artist to use surgery

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